Chloé Lizée

Cosmopolitan Background

With French-Lao roots and background, I’ve made the decision to leave home over a decade ago to go explore the world starting with my Asian origins. I’ve always been wanting to discover new places, meet new people and understand local cultures and customs. I’ve made some stops along the way to get to know the places, sometimes to satisfy my evasion desires, sometimes for work and local contribution.

After some studies in China and a couple of years living in Thailand, I’m back to France. Along the years, thanks to my numerous professional and personal trips in Europe, Africa and Asia, including memorable encounters, I’ve been able to develop an excellent understanding of the ground, the local behaviours and expectations, way of living and working.

I’m very sensitive to societal and environmental issues and I always try to factor them in via my work suggestions and services. This philosophy gets reflected through my focus on acting local, always making sure to respect responsible practices.

It is important to let go, do the right thing, leave some room for the unexpected, embrace the unknown and take time to feel its own personal journey… I’ve always been genuinely believing in Slow Travel.

They trusted me

  • Chloé is an experienced product manager and perfectly capable of meeting any production challenge at a moment's notice. Whatever the geographic area or the difficulty of the product, she knows how to understand the clientele and adapt the possibilities of a receptive or a destination. Working with her has been fruitful for the company, and a pleasure for me on a daily basis. Her experience, her seriousness and her nature made her one of the assets of my team.

    ---- Olivier Charmes, Assistant Production Director - Copines de Voyage